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Welcome to I AM Learning Circle
Thank you for learning and supporting my
"Hello, I'm Anya Lincoln (though if you're here, you probably already know that). I'm passionate about bringing clarity to spiritual matters and helping people lead their happiest, most creative lives.
I am developing a library of helpful videos that help people understand how to be happy and create their lives from the inside-out. I recently decided to make these videos public. However, if you decided to become a member to support my work, you will get access to some exclusive content and a private Facebook Group.

Table of Contents:
Manifestation/Creating What You Want
Introduction Video: Manifestation is about engaging the whole system. Action and energy.
What else do you want? (Sometimes we get so focused on "one big thing" that we abandon the rest of our life and our energy becomes stagnant).
My ideal life PDF journaling exercise (SUBSCRIBERS).
All systems go! Start doing things that will have a ripple effect in your life.
The energy of "Insisting". How to get into an internal position of being firmly planted in what you want.
The importance of "ridiculous requests". Sometimes we don't know that what we want is right in front of us unless we ask for what feels outlandish or too big.
Go as far as you "unreasonably can." How to "walk in faith" when you are creating something unlikely
Your mind may think it's not a fit, but what if I already manifested exactly what I want? Learning how not to trust the immediate judgment of the mind and becoming open.
Shifting into "I am creating this" (owning the whole process like a chef owns creating the dish out of a recipe)
Keeping your desire "independent." Knowing/getting anchored in the reality of your desire even when there is no evidence or support for it.
How to "let go" of your desire (give it over to the universe). Understanding this more clearly will make this important step easy
Essence of Desire Manifesting Tips PDF (in the body of the playlist) (SUBSCRIBERS)
Powerful Essence of Desire Meditation. Get to the core energy of your desire that already exists in you. You can anchor yourself in this energy to become the driving "force" of your desire coming to life from the inside out. (in the body of the playlist) SUBSCRIBERS
Letting Go Of Desire (Attachment to the future image of your desire and finding it in the NOW) PDF Journal Prompts. SUBSCRIBERS
You did the work, but the problem repeats. Your desire is not hiding behind your old obstacle.
Noticing the trigger and not backing away. The "exposed (electric) wire" feeling
When ease feels like you can't trust it. The ease of Identity vs the ease of your true self which by comparison will feel like nothing
Failing where you should have succeeded. A confusing part of the journey.
I am in oneness, now what? Nothing is coming to me (in terms of action and ideas)
There is no solution to the old box. When to just "stop it". Developing the discipline of not going there.
Identity work audio inquiry (Mp3) SUBSCRIBERS
Explore your limiting beliefs: Journal Prompts PDF SUBSCRIBERS
Identity as an organizing principle of one's reality. Think of it as an axis around which the reality organizes itself
Can I trust this good feeling? How can I trust that "here" will lead me to "there"
Repeating triggers during "that time of the month" or at times of high stress and low tolerance
Being on the receiving end of your partner's trigger (also applicable to children or other people you share a dynamic with).
Helping Other People/Healing Others
Helping others. Where do we start? What is needed? Narrowing down your task
Important foundational understanding in helping others. How do we believe change actually occurs?
Group Coaching Call Recordings(SUBSCRIBERS)
Webinar recordings
November 12 th
November 30th
December 16th (mini webinar about helping others in the beginning)
January 27th (can I trust a good feeling? steps to handling triggers in the moment)
What questions do you have? What lessons would you like to see? Everybody helps contribute to this library and new material is added every week.
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